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Provérbios Bíblicos 1.2
Ensinar a alcançar sabedoria, a disciplinaeuma vida prudente e a fazer o que é correto, justo e digno.Teaching achievewisdom,discipline and a prudent life and do what is right, fairanddecent.
Bateria drum
Drumming by the device.
Pong 1.0
Classic game Pong
Juízes Bíblicos 2
The Book of Judges is one of the books that make up the OldTestament.
Esdras Bíblicos 2
The book of Ezra is one of the books that make up the OldTestament.
Equação de segundo grau 1.0
O App resolve equações do segundo grau e mostra as etapasdasolução. Auxilia em estudos para conferir as respostas.
Livro 2 Enoque 7
This Apocryphal book recounts Enoch's journey to the tenth heaven,where God is.
Hebreus Bíblicos 4
Book of Hebrews of the Bible
Livro de Jasar 9
"book of the righteous", "book of Jasher" or "book of jasar"
Bíblia Sagrada Católica
The Holy Scriptures are the Words of God for all human beings.
Tito Bíblicos 4
O apóstolo Paulo nos mostra que devemos ser modelos de obediênciaesubmissão a Palavra de Deus, à qual mesmo entre os cristãostemsido pouco reverenciada e muito menos obedecida.
2 Tessalonicenses Bíblicos 4
Book of 2 Thessalonians of the Bible.
Manifesto do Partido Comunista 2
Written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.
Ezequiel Bíblicos 4
The book of Ezekiel is one of the books that make up the OldTestament.
Atos Bíblicos 3
Complete Book of Acts in the Bible.
Cânticos Bíblicos
The Book of Songs is one of the books that make up the OldTestament.
Livro Apocalipse de Abraão 1
Apocryphal Book of the Apocalypse of Abraham
Sabedoria 1
Wisdom is one of the Old Testament books of the Catholic Bible.
Eclesiastes Bíblicos
The book of Ecclesiastes is one of the books that make up the OldTestament.
Romanos Bíblicos 5
Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Romans
Livro de Enoque
Apocryphal book written between 170 and 64 BC
1 Timóteo Bíblicos
Book of Timothy in the Bible.
Apocalipse de Elias 1
Apocryphal Book of Revelation of Elijah
1 Coríntios Bíblicos
Complete Book of 1 Corinthians of the Bible.
2 Pedro Bíblicos
Book of 2 Peter of the Bible.
Apocalipse Bíblico 1
O nome do livro bíblico de Apocalipse vem de uma palavra gregaquesignifica “Exposição” ou “Revelação”. O livro de Apocalipseexpõeassuntos que estavam ocultos e revela eventos queaconteceriammuito tempo depois de terem sido escritos. Muitasprofecias dolivro de Apocalipse ainda se cumprirão. Livro deApocalipse daBíblia para visualizar em dispositivos com sistemaoperacionalAndroid. Fácil leitura, pois apresenta letras grandes ebemlegíveis.
Gênesis Bíblicos
Book of Genesis of the Bible.
Números Aleatórios 1.1
Draw to facilitate the choice of numbers for various purposes.
2 Samuel Bíblicos
The book of 2 Samuel is one of the books that make up theOldTestament.
1 Samuel Bíblicos 2
The book of 1 Samuel is one of the books that make up the OldTestament.
Livro A Divina Comédia
Poem written by the author Dante Alighieri (1265-1321).
Jeremias Bíblicos 3
The book of Jeremiah is one of the books that make up the OldTestament.
Josué Bíblicos 2
The book of Joshua is one of the books that make up the OldTestament.
Malaquias Bíblicos 2
The book of Malachi is one of the books that make up the OldTestament.
Provérbios Bíblicos 2
Complete Book of Proverbs from the Bible.
Orçamento Para Piso
Calculates the number of pieces for coating in your work.
Jeremias Bíblicos (Español) 1
Book of Jeremiah of the Bible.
Salmos Bíblicos 1
Complete Book of Psalms from the Bible.
Rut Bíblicos (Español)
Book of Ruth from the Bible.
Eclesiástico Bíblicos 2
Ecclesiastical is one of the Old Testament books of the CatholicBible.
Salmos Bíblicos (Español) 1
Book of Psalms of the Bible.
Bíblia Sagrada Evangélica 10
The Holy Scriptures are the Words of God for all human beings.
Lamentaciones (Español) 1
Book of Lamentations of the Bible.
Orçamento para Tijolo 2
Application for Android system that calculates the amount ofbricksin a work.
2 Reis Bíblicos 2
The book of 2 Kings is one of the books that make up theOldTestament.
Josue Bíblicos (Español) 1
Book of Joshua of the Bible.
Isaías Bíblicos 2
The book of Isaiah is one of the books that make up theOldTestament.
Antigo Testamento 11
Old Testament Bible Book
Antiguo Testamento (Español) 5
Old Testament book of the Bible.